Moving tips and planning

Moving to a foreign country goes along with a huge amount of administrative steps and a precise preparation in order to avoid last minute problems. POTIEZ-DEMAN offers you a memo in order to remind you to take certain steps in order to have a successful move and avoid unnecessary stress.

La préparation de son déménagement

Emballage de la décoration

Préparation des meubles

Emballage de la vaisselle

Déménagement d’entreprise


  • Choose a moving firm specialized in international removals
  • Make an appointment for the technical meeting (estimation of volume) on site
  • Plan the exact removal day with POTIEZ-DEMAN
  • Take the necessary steps in order to obtain the following documents: passport, visa, work permit, international drivers license
  • Notify the children’s school, ask them for the necessary documents for enrolment in the new school
  • Contact your banker to check whether it is better to transfer your accounts
  • Contact your doctor to take care of possible vaccinations, or to get multiple subscriptions for your long term medication
  • Contact your veterinary in order to get the necessary vaccines and documents for the transportation of your pets.
  • Call POTIEZ-DEMAN to take care of the transportation of your pets if necessary.
  • Think about discontinuing subscriptions which require a termination period of 3 months


  • Think about selling or giving away goods you don’t want to take with you
  • Our services can inform you regarding customs formalities for export. Under specific conditions, for goods bought during the last 6 months, VAT can be claimed back.
  • Our services can inform you regarding products that are forbidden or regarding products to which restrictions of import are applicable. (alcohol, wine, books, videos, pets, medications, weapons, ivory,…)
  • Order your transportation tickets and keep them, customs services in the new country can ask to see them.
  • Consider arranging for a temporary place to stay after your move
  • Think about informing POTIEZ-DEMAN about your new address and phone number if you leave the country before the actual move takes place.
  • Think about checking these services at your new address: water, gas, electricity, mail, phone, bank, insurance, social security, schools, taxes, cable tv, satellite tv, associations, sports clubs, lease contracts.
  • Take your time to collect travel guides, brochures, etc… of the new country you’re going to be living in.


  • Sort out the goods which will be shipped by air freight or sea freight on the removal day
  • Check the voltage level in your new country of destination. Think about buying enough adapters if necessary.
  • Think about subscribing to papers or cultural magazines of the country you’re leaving, in order to better prepare for a possible comeback.
  • Notify community services
  • Our wrappers are unauthorized to unplug electrical devices. Therefore please contact us so we can send a professional to unplug the stove, washing machine, or to disassemble a built-in kitchen.



  • Using our form: make a detailed list of the goods to be moved and an estimated value
  • Empty any machines that run on gas
  • Confirm the day of moving to your mover
  • Take care of a babysitter for your kids and/or pets on the moving day
  • Clean all kitchen devices and leave them to dry in order to avoid fungus during transportation.
  • Clean your gardening tools, garden table and chairs and let them dry


  • Keep with you all things you don’t want to be moved: your passport, documents, transportation tickets, personal belongings and clothes.